

诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli was the guest of Virtual CEO Talk series hosted by ADA University

诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli was the guest of Virtual CEO Talk series hosted by ADA University


As a result of The CEO Talk four ADA University students were awarded internships at Nobel Oil Services.

5月13日, 2020年诺贝尔石油服务公司首席执行官, Vugar Samadli是ADA大学为学生和校友举办的虚拟CEO系列讲座的嘉宾. 虚拟项目的主要思想是为学生提供对高管和高级管理人员的个人和学术背景的见解, 实践经验, success stories and useful guidelines for career building. Previous participants of the project were from top employers such as KPMG, 帕夏银行, 伊巴拉, Yello银行, 帕夏控股等.

在他题为“艰难的旅程”的演讲中, “成就越大”, Vugar Samadli专注于职业道路, its stages by telling his own success story applied to the framework. 他经常使用现实生活中的例子,并强调在职业道路上选择相关和合适的学科来学习的重要性. 诺贝尔石油服务公司的首席执行官强调了为工作不断发展技能的重要性, 增加额外的技能以保持与时俱进, building a mindset of resilience and acting with agility in the face of challenging situations. 谈话之后是Q&一个会话.

在这个脆弱的时期,诺贝尔石油服务公司有责任通过这些活动来激励年轻的专业人士,并为高潜力的学生提供在大公司开始皇冠体育365app的机会. As a result of The CEO Talk four ADA University students were awarded internships at Nobel Oil Services.

Nobel Oil Services is a diversified group of companies  engaged in the oil, 天然气和能源工业. Companies operating within Nobel Oil Services group provide a wide range of services, 包括钻井, 建设 and project management as well as equipment maintenance, 采购和提高采油服务, successfully expanding their activities in these fields.