Nobel Energy



Through various social and charitable programs, 我们的战略目标之一是支持我们经营所在地区的发展和社会经济可持续性. As a responsible company with a strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility, we are always looking for ways to contribute to society in the countries where we operate. 

皇冠体育app通过实施文化领域的计划和项目,不断支持当地社区, sports, and education in accordance with corporate social responsibility principles.

Community news

Results of Youth Inc. Business Academy Announced at the Closing Ceremony

Results of Youth Inc. Business Academy Announced at the Closing Ceremony

The 6-week young entrepreneurs accelerator program Youth Inc. 商业学院已经结束,最佳商业模式由参与者在闭幕式上展示.

The program proved to be very popular: from 690 applicants, 203 were shortlisted and the best 25 were specially selected to take part in the program. 然后,25名成功的候选人有机会发展基本的商业技能,并向来自美国和阿塞拜疆的投资者推销他们的想法, with the potential to raise investment of up to AZN 50,000.

闭幕式在第二十二届阿塞拜疆国际展览和会议期间举行, “Telecommunications and Information Technologies” (Bakutel-2016). At the event, 青年和体育部副部长Intigam Babayev强调了该方案对支持青年创业的重要性. 通信和高科技部副部长Elmir Velizade指出,人们对这一运动的兴趣迅速增长, 各种赞助商都渴望继续支持年轻的创新者发展初创企业和技术.

诺贝尔石油服务公司财务总监Zohrab Safarov对该计划的成功完成表示满意. 他指出,对青年企业家的支持始终是该国中小型企业发展的高度优先事项.

The accelerator program Youth Inc. Business Academy was hosted under the young entrepreneurs program Youth Inc., supported by Nobel Oil alongside Coca-Cola, the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan, NGO Debate in Civil Society (DVC), and the High-Tech Park of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies.




Results of Youth Inc. Business Academy Announced at the Closing Ceremony

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Nobel Oil Services took part at the Student and Graduate Job Fair in Baku

Nobel Oil Services took part at the Student and Graduate Job Fair in Baku

On 14 June 2016, 诺贝尔石油服务公司参加了阿塞拜疆劳动和人口社会保障部组织的招聘会. 由教育部组织的活动旨在吸引该国许多行业的优秀人才.  Nobel Oil has been a long-standing participant in the Ministry’s activities over the years.   

The latest Job Fair, held under the slogan ‘The First Career Step’,  was dedicated to students and recent graduates. Experts from Nobel Oil, as well as its affiliates, were on hand to provide comprehensive information about the company, its services and career prospects within the Group.  

As any leading company in its field, 诺贝尔石油服务公司致力于为政府促进年轻和有才华的专家融入该国劳动力市场的努力做出贡献. 它还旨在吸引熟练劳动力,同时在其经营所在的社区创造就业机会.  

在最近的博览会上,诺贝尔石油公司提供了许多工程工程领域的职位空缺, construction, project management, procurement and logistics, which comprised more than 5% of all vacancies available at the Job Fair. 




Nobel Oil Services took part at the Student and Graduate Job Fair in Baku

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Investing in People – Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

Investing in People – Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

诺贝尔石油公司坚定地致力于为人民投资,以促进阿塞拜疆生活的积极发展.  Investing in people implies a social return that will benefit society.
Social investment is about improving quality of life, reducing social exclusion and poverty, as well as making a positive contribution to economic development.

To achieve this, 诺贝尔石油公司与援助阿塞拜疆联合协会结成伙伴关系,通过其在该国各地区开展的社区康复服务,支持为有特殊需要的儿童提供发展服务, such as Khachmaz, Ganja, Bilisuvar, Celilabad and Shamkir.

UAFA培训以社区为基础的工作人员,为有学习障碍的儿童提供基本的康复服务, physical problems and conditions such as Down Syndrome and autism.  Before CBR services came to these regions, 儿童和家庭以前从未在他们的社区获得过残疾服务.

Michael Wring, the CEO of Nobel Oil, said:  "As a company operating in Azerbaijan, we're genuinely committed to investing in people of this country, regardless of their age and social background. Therefore, to commemorate the World Autism Awareness Day, we have teamed up with UAFA in order to help children in need, including those with autism in Azerbaijan'.  

Nobel Oil has pledged to support UAFA’s Community-Based Rehabilitations teams, the children and families where needed.  




Investing in People – Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

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The Head of Nobel Oil Spoke to Azerbaijani Students in Baku

The Head of Nobel Oil Spoke to Azerbaijani Students in Baku

The Chief Executive Officer of Nobel Oil, Michael Wring. visited one of Baku's leading higher educational establishments, the Qafqaz University, 他在哪里向学生们讲述了变革管理以及多元化和增长的挑战. 

Michael Wring在题为“诺贝尔石油:将本地公司转型为国际企业”的演讲中,向30多名学生讲述了他的公司重组和多元化进入国际市场的经验。.  

During the vibrant Q&A session students discussed a wide range of issues from falling oil prices, to major energy sector-related projects, such as TAP and TANAP, to the day-to-day challenges of modern-day CEOs. 





The Head of Nobel Oil Spoke to Azerbaijani Students in Baku

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Nobel Oil launches playground for children in need

Nobel Oil launches playground for children in need

诺贝尔石油公司与阿塞拜疆第二大城市“SOS儿童村”合作, Ganja, 作为其企业社会责任计划的一部分,为有需要的儿童开设了一个新的游乐场.  

 诺贝尔石油公司的工作人员参观了Ganja的SOS儿童村,并参加了开业仪式. 公司员工与孩子们一起在新操场上玩各种各样的游戏,分享他们的快乐. 

SOS儿童村Ganja项目负责人Yashar Gojayev对诺贝尔石油公司一直以来的支持与合作表示感谢. 他说,他赞赏该公司努力支持来自Ganja和周边地区的儿童.. 

 “这个游乐场给我们村的孩子们带来了无尽的快乐,肯定会帮助孩子们的身体和情感发展。”, he said. 

自2012年以来,诺贝尔石油一直在支持SOS儿童村,并为其在首都的设施做出了贡献, Baku, and in Ganja.




Nobel Oil launches playground for children in need

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Nobel Oil and SOS Children’s Villages team up to support children in need in Azerbaijan

Nobel Oil and SOS Children’s Villages team up to support children in need in Azerbaijan

Nobel Oil, as part of its corporate social responsibility programme,  organised a festive party for children in need in Ganja, Azerbaijan, in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages. 


慈善晚会包括由Ganja当地戏剧公司的演员表演的节目, competitions and gift presentations to more than hundred children taking part in the event.  

SOS儿童村大麻项目主任雅沙尔·戈杰耶夫说:“我们非常感谢来自私营部门的支持. Thanks to support coming from various companies, we can organise such charity events.

自2012年以来,诺贝尔石油一直在支持SOS儿童村,并为其在首都的项目做出了贡献, Baku and the country’s second largest city, Ganja. 





Nobel Oil and SOS Children’s Villages team up to support children in need in Azerbaijan

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